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High Integrity Skills for

Optimizing Organizational Impact

One of the most difficult leadership competency areas to effectively address is navigating Organizational Politics. Often the subject is avoided because of its historically negative connotations and taboo nature. However, Optimum Associates has a very different perspective.The key question is: how do we empower and equip leaders to effectively impact this dimension of organizational life in a way that is transparent, realistic, practical, and values-based. If high integrity leaders do not possess the ability to effectively work within these realities they run the risk of limiting their positive impact on the organization.


Organizational Savvy provides participants with a comprehensive system of practical and proven strategies, skills, and self-awareness tools to enhance their organizational impact, increase effectiveness, and optimize career progression, while helping to create and maintain a collaborative culture. This program provides a high integrity path to navigating the often “unspoken” areas of organizational life, such as power dynamics, competing agendas, perceptions, turf issues, self-promotion, “managing the airwaves,” trust, and relationships.


Core learning objectives include:


  • Advanced Influence, Persuasion, and Stakeholder Management

  • Savvy Career Management

  • Creating and Maintaining a High Integrity Organization and Fostering a Learning Culture



Contact us today to learn more about our
Organizational Savvy program and how it works.
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